The Peace of mind with AP automation show – powered by
$44,157 in earned media. 107 countries. 550+ engagements.

The challenge for Rillion

Rillion provides AP automation software to small businesses around the world.
Palette Software and Centsoft changed their name to Rillion. Off the back of the rebrand, Rillion needed to launch the new brand in the North American market.
Rillion approached the Matt Brown Show media house, to help raise awareness of the new brand in the region.
The exposure blueprint
The team behind the Matt Brown Show worked closely with the Rillion executives to design and produce a
multi-episode digital TV series called the “Peace of Mind with AP automation show”.
Episode 1: The problem
Did you know that 400 million invoices are sent and processes manually by small businesses every year in the USA alone? The first episode unpacked the problem that small businesses face with their AP automation processes.

Episode 2: The product
The second episode walked the audience through Rillion’s AP automation technology and how it provides small businesses with greater transparency, visibility and control of financial management processes.

The second episode revelead how Halo Dots product reimagines the future of the mobile payments and demostrated how Halo technology solves the problem for merchants around the world.
Episode 3:
The solution
The third episode provided proof and real world evidence of Rillion’s technology working for its customers in North America.
The result?

550 + comments and engagements
Viewed across 107 countries+
Without the Matt Brown Show we wouldn’t have had the exposure we needed for our new brand. Matt and his team are amazing!
Paul Mullis, President of the Americas